
22424221_10203958670844066_6425009873537990107_oWelcome to my blog! My names Sian and I’m a second year Journalism student currently studying at Teesside University. I’ve loved games since as long as I can remember when playing Harry Potter on the PS1! I love a whole range of games from indie to triple A titles so hopefully theres something for everyone here. This blog was set up to cover all things gaming from reviews and interviews to discussion. I hope this blog can become a place to read and learn more about games and the industry. This blog mainly covers all the latest North East gaming news and worldwide discussion. Please feel free to start discussions through commenting and sharing and if needed contact me. I hope you enjoy your stay!

My LinkedIn can be found here

Want to see the latest games I’m playing? Follow me on PSN: Sianpb2012

Disclamer: All posts are researched,written and produced by myself. All interviews and videos are original and sourced, produced and edited by myself. All images are responsibly sourced with permission from relevant parties before publishing.